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Reducing test anxiety among management students

IQAC of Dr. D.Y. Patil B-School organized a workshop for students – “Reducing test anxiety among management students”.


  1. Understanding what is test anxiety and how to overcome test anxiety
  2. Ways to manage test anxiety
  3. Effective ways of preparing for exam

Target Audience: 110

Program Date: 18th September, 2021

Program Duration: 10am – 5pm

Resource Person: Mr. Abhijit Singh

Brief Description:
IQAC of Dr. D. Y. Patil B-School conducted a workshop on “Reducing test anxiety among management students” The workshop was divided into three sessions between 10am-12pm, 1pm-2:30pm & 3-5pm. In session 1, the focus was to understand the nature of test anxiety and various outcomes of test anxiety on the basis of physical, emotional, behavioural, cognitive etc. He then explained certain things that can be done to reduce exam anxiety by dividing them into different phases – weeks before exam, on the day of exam, during the exam and after exam. Weeks before exam students should practice certain habits such as modifying and regularizing study habits, practicing various methods of stress reduction, developing healthy food habits. On the day of exam arriving at the exam centre early, relaxing and reflecting. During the exam setting of the first impression by thinking of the exam as an opportunity to show off what you know. Organizing oneself on time by working on the most familiar questions and keeping up with the pace during the exam. After the exam it is very important to judge oneself by learning from the experience- what worked and what didn’t. Rewarding oneself for the efforts made is equally important to keep the spirit uplifted.

The trainer started the session 2 with various relaxation exercises to keep a calm mind. Various methods such as concentrating on one’s breathing, relaxing through visualization, five finger relaxation techniques. A worksheet was given to the students and were asked to visualize on the upcoming exam, focus on your desired performance (i.e. your desired process during the exam) rather than on the outcome of the exam and fill the given worksheet. After the worksheet was filled, visualizing that exam is finished, students were asked to relax by doing breathing exercises and progressive muscle relaxation. Once relaxed, they were asked to use their imagination to experience the various things they would see, hear, feel and sense that will let them know that they are performing the way you would like to during your exam. These methods were asked to do this twice a day and considering it as part of their exam preparation strategy.

In session 3 various effective ways of preparing for the exam such as Effective Study Habits like Creating a quiet, neat study area, Studying from good notes, Making a study schedule to avoid ‘time-drains’, Using bits of unexpected free time to study, taking advantage of your peak energy levels, Creating a study group, Posing difficult questions., review previously learned material and avoiding cram sessions. Various tips to memorise such as Read and review using SQ3R- Survey- Questions-Reading through the chapter, Reciting the questions, Reviewing of ones answers. Making up flashcards, Creating acronyms or acrostics, Using visualization tricks were also dealt.

The workshop was well received by the audience, some of them were shared during the end of the session.